Infantryman/Infantrywoman, Aviation Maintenance Technician, Military Police, Combat Medic, Communications Specialist, Intelligence Analyst, Engineer, Logistics Specialist, Culinary Specialist, Special Operations Forces (SOF) Operator, Signal Support Systems Specialist, Aviation Support Equipment Technician, Machinist's Mate, Fire Controlman
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is one of America’s largest employers, recruiting thousands of new enlisted troops into military service. There are tons of unique enlisted opportunities in each branch of the military — the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and the new Space Force. In addition, there are Reserve and National Guard positions available in many career fields which allow servicemembers to stay closer to home. Aside from the DOD, the Department of Homeland Security also oversees thousands of enlisted roles within the Coast Guard.
Enlisted personnel join the military by signing a contract to serve for a set period of years. In most cases, candidates let their recruiter know the positions they’re interested in. If the potential recruit passes a medical physical exam (conducted at a local Medical Expenditure Panel Survey station), then together they review the recruit’s Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) scores and find suitable career options.
If the recruit finds a career option they’d like to accept, they sign a contract listing the pay grade and military rank they will enter with, take an Oath of Enlistment, and will be sent to “boot camp” to complete rigorous physical and mental preparedness training. If requested, boot camp can usually be delayed to give the new recruit time to wrap up personal affairs before shipping out.
After graduation from boot camp, members are sent to an in-depth technical training program — usually at another base, in another state — where they learn how to perform the duties of the specific jobs they are selected for.
Once an enlistment contract is up, many troops re-enlist, sometimes staying in for 20 years or more to earn retirement benefits. During this period, most earn college degrees while working. ~82% of all Active Duty personnel are Enlisted; the rest are Officers (or Warrant Officers). Occasionally, enlisted folks who’ve earned degrees apply for military officer training programs so they can switch career tracks and boost salary potential.
- Numerous career fields to choose from, including many high-tech options
- Paid career field training with meals and accommodations provided
- 30 days a year of paid vacation plus paid holidays
- Lucrative educational benefits, including Tuition Assistance and the G.I.Bill
- Comprehensive medical benefits, including coverage for spouses and children
- Convenient, on-base housing availability
- Unique work and travel abroad opportunities
- Retirement and Veteran Affairs benefits for qualified individuals
- Opportunities to learn and practice in-demand skills for future civilian jobs
- Veteran preference points for many civilian jobs after separation from service
- Merit and performance-based promotion opportunities
- Re-enlistment bonuses and other special pay incentives for critical career fields
- Enlisted pay varies based on military rank held and time-in-service
- Pay includes “basic” pay, plus variable allowances for housing and subsistence
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service maintains current military pay charts
Working Schedule
- Enlisted personnel are often called the “worker bees” of the military. Active Duty servicemembers have full-time jobs and may be required to work extended hours depending on mission requirements
- Guard and Reserve roles are not full-time and hours vary
- To the extent possible, military units try to provide predictable work schedules
- Duty hours depend largely on the specific job as well as circumstances at any given time. For example, hours may be longer when preparing for an inspection, during temporary duty assignment trips, or while deployed to an overseas location
Typical Duties
- “Typical” duties depend entirely on the career field a person enters
- In general, Enlisted personnel may expect to perform a wide variety of administrative and in some cases labor-related tasks
- Continual training is a key element of most military positions. This may include job-specific training, as well as general safety, cybersecurity, and weapons training, as applicable
- Military bases tend to conduct numerous inspections and readiness exercises. As a result, servicemembers may find their daily routines disrupted as priorities temporarily shift
- The Bureau of Labor Statistics cites the following broad occupational groups:
- Administrative
- Combat Specialty
- Construction
- Electronic and Electrical Equipment Repair
- Engineering, Science, and Technical
- Healthcare
- Human Resource Development
- Machine Operator and Production
- Media and Public Affairs
- Protective Service
- Support Service
- Transportation and Material Handling
- Vehicle and Machinery Mechanic
Additional Responsibilities
- As personnel advance in military rank, they take on additional administrative and supervisory responsibilities
- These may include writing reports and awards packages, providing training and feedback to subordinates, tracking budgets, managing records, responding to messages, and attending meetings
- Most military personnel are required to maintain a personal readiness status in the event they must travel or deploy outside the local area. This includes maintaining personal fitness, taking care of one’s medical and mental health matters, and having all personal/family affairs in order
Soft Skills
- Analytical
- Attention to detail and standards
- Critical thinking
- Evaluation and problem-solving skills
- Integrity
- Leadership
- Realistic
- Resilience
- Sound judgment
- Strength and stamina
- Teamwork
- Time management
Technical Skills
- Varies depending on career field
- Physical fitness exercise routines
- Training on M4/M16 rifles (some roles require training on other weapons)
- CPR, First Aid, AED training
- Mission Oriented Protective Posture training (i.e., “protective gear used…in a toxic environment, e.g., during a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear strike”)
- Basic familiarity with email, MS Office, and vehicle operation
- Army
- Navy
- Marine Corps
- Air Force
- Space Force
- Coast Guard
- Reserve components of the Armed Forces:
- Army National Guard
- Army Reserve
- Navy Reserve
- Marine Corps Reserve
- Air National Guard
- Air Force Reserve
- Coast Guard Reserve
Enlisted Military jobs require commitment and occasional hardship and sacrifices, in particular during deployments. While not every military servicemember will deploy during their enlistment period, the odds are high that the longer you stay in, the more likely it’ll happen.
As points out, the military’s primary mission “is to defend the U.S. and its interests,” though it has several other missions including:
- “Rescue operations,
- “Medical assistance in impoverished areas,
- “Food and humanitarian relief,
- “Security at embassies and other locations,
- “Policing in volatile areas,
- “Natural disaster relief,
- “Law enforcement,
- “Piracy and drug interdiction.”
There are numerous dangerous civilian jobs, such as welding, roofing, and logging, in which workers face hazards on a daily basis. But unlike most civilian career fields (with notable exceptions such as law enforcement, firefighting, and other first responder roles), many military jobs have the potential to require servicemembers to enter situations where their safety could be jeopardized by hostile forces actively seeking to harm them.
This is sometimes expressed as the concept of an “unlimited liability clause,” meaning, as Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Kevin Shaffer put it, you may have to “give your life in service to your country.” Thus, he describes enlistment as not “merely a job, but rather a profession that requires continual commitment to training, professional development, and readiness if and when…called into harm’s way.”
Deployments can be tough on families, too. Military personnel often describe “military life” like one big family, in which unit members help take care of spouses and children who must stay behind as their loved ones deploy for weeks or months. Still, the time away can be stressful for all involved, especially when a military person deploys repeatedly or is sent to a combat zone.
As global threats emerge and evolve, the US military tries to adapt accordingly in order to maintain an appropriate “force posture.” Force posture relates to bringing on and maintaining just the right number of troops to ensure sufficient strength and readiness under the circumstances. Since circumstances are so dynamic, the number of recruits needed from year to year changes.
In some years, enlisted recruiters report having more interest from candidates than what the military needs (or projects it will need). For 2021, as reported by CNN, the military “struggled to attract National Guard and reserve troops but met targets for full-time recruits in 2021 fiscal year.” When military branches run short of fulfilling their annual recruitment quotas, they sometimes boost incentives such as tweaking Tuition Assistance educational benefits or offering enlistment sign-up bonuses.
For example, for 2022 the Army increased signing bonuses to “career-based incentives” ranging from $1,000 up to $40,000 for “jobs that need to be filled or are difficult to fill due to specific qualifications, such as radar repairers and infantry and special forces.”
Those who serve in the military are sometimes stereotyped based on notions of what type of person would want to join in the first place. The truth is, servicemembers come from all walks of life and all sorts of backgrounds. In fact, as an entity, the US military is arguably the largest diversity employer in the country!
As Empire Resume notes, “there are many…innate characteristics that recruiters look for in future servicemembers. Traits like discipline, confidence, leadership skills, teamwork skills, empathy, and intellect are just as important as top physical fitness.” So, broadly speaking, there are a few generalized traits that most military personnel seem to have developed growing up. For example, when they were younger, they may have been outgoing and adventurous, or restless and always looking for new challenges.
Different military career fields call for different sets of ideal traits, though…and there are hundreds of different military career fields! That is why recruiters rely on interviews and ASVAB scores to help gauge suitability for particular roles.
- To enlist in the military, recruits need a high school diploma or GED
- There are no college education requirements to enlist
- Enlisted members who graduate from recruit training (“boot camp”) are typically sent to a different military installation to attend career field training
- Example: A person enlists in the Air Force and is assigned to become a Knowledge Operations Manager. They first attend Basic Military Training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas for 8.5 weeks. After graduation, they attend career training at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi for ~37 days. After that, they travel to their first duty station.
- Persons who enlist in the military don’t require a university degree prior to signing up
- Many enlisted members do take college classes while serving in the military
- In some cases, servicemembers must first complete career-specific “self study” courses before being permitted to enroll in college classes
- Due to work schedules, many enlisted members sign up for flexible, military-friendly college degree programs
- For more information, check out’s in-depth series for Enlisted Military folks interested in going to college!
- Should I Join the Military to Get College Paid For?
- 7 Reasons Why Enlisted Military Should Get A College Degree
- The Ultimate Guide on How To Use Your GI Bill
When someone enlists in the military, they will complete recruit training (aka “boot camp” or “basic training”) followed by technical training to learn their needed job skills. The applicable branch of service (i.e., Army, Navy, etc.) makes all the necessary arrangements for these programs, so members can focus on their performance while attending. Both programs serve double purposes — to train and prepare members, and to filter out recruits who may not have the desire or ability to continue on into a military career.
In terms of college programs for enlisted members who’ve started their careers, there is no shortage of colleges offering rewarding academic programs. features a list of 10 Military-Friendly Colleges For Active Duty and Veterans to help you get started!
- Take classes to develop English and communications skills
- Participate in student functions where you can learn about teamwork, leadership, and project management
- Get in the habit of practicing good safety procedures when engaged in risky activities
- Follow a physical fitness program to build the strength and stamina needed for the military branch you want to join
- Note, each branch has its own physical fitness standards. In addition to these, certain career fields have enhanced fitness requirements
- Study for your ASVAB test! The ASVAB features nine sections, with scores impacting which careers you are eligible to request. The sections are:
- General Science
- Arithmetic Reasoning
- Word Knowledge
- Paragraph Comprehension
- Auto & Shop
- Mathematics Knowledge
- Mechanical Comprehension
- Electronics Information
- Assembling Objects
- Note, there’s a version of the ASVAB called the Prescreen Internet Computerized Adaptive Test (PiCAT)
- As Military Spot points out, “The ASVAB test measures your trainability and can help determine a career path that would best set you up for success in the military.” “Your weighted ASVAB AFQT score — a percentile reflecting your combined verbal and mathematical aptitude — determines your eligibility to join a certain branch of the military. Composite scores from individual sub-tests are also used to determine specific job qualifications.”
- Consider whether or not you are interested in enlisting or in pursuing an officer commission via an Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program (ROTC) program or application to a Service Academy (i.e., military colleges)
- Keep in mind, enlisted personnel can work on their degrees after their duty hours are finished. Once they have a degree, they may be able to apply to Officer Candidate (or Training) School if they want a chance to become a commissioned officer
The keys to qualifying for the military job of your dreams are:
- Do your research ahead of time to learn everything you can about the job you want
- Understand and meet all medical qualifications
- Perform well on the ASVAB test
- Prepare a list of questions for your enlisted recruiter
- Note, officer recruiters work on college campuses, whereas enlisted recruiters work from offices conveniently located around town or near shopping areas
- Schedule an interview and arrive on-time and dressed professionally
- Answer the recruiter’s questions truthfully
- Enlisted personnel must also take an Oath of Enlistment. As states, “Before you raise your right hand, make sure you understand what you are swearing or attesting to. The military oath of enlistment or oath of office should not be taken lightly. You will be bound by it for the next 4-6 years at a minimum.”
Enlisting in the military is different from accepting a civilian job. Once you sign a contract, you are obligated to the terms set forth in the contract. In other words, unlike civilian jobs, you can’t simply “quit” once you’re committed.
Recruiters may have quotas to meet, so they may try to talk you into accepting a career you aren’t very interested in. If that happens, stand firm and repeat your preferences if there is a specific job you are qualified for and really want. If in doubt, schedule another appointment so you don’t feel pressured to make a hasty decision. Remember, you have a right to walk away at any time prior to signing paperwork and swearing in!
Don’t sign anything until you are 100% clear on all details and feel comfortable agreeing to them. If in doubt, do not sign until you have had time to learn more or ask others for help.
- Do your best at boot camp and during career training. Stay motivated and arrive at your first duty station ready to listen and learn
- If given technical manuals or materials to study, get organized and make a study plan
- Focus on learning your new occupation as well as all relevant military protocols and practices. Try to adapt to and embrace the military culture
- Speak with your supervisor to understand when is the best time to take college classes
- Earning an associate’s degree is a great step toward showing your commitment to self-improvement, but remember to put your duties first
- Speak to your base’s education office to learn about Tuition Assistance benefits and learn which of your recruit training and technical training hours may count for college credits (note, it is up to individual college programs to decide whether they accept such credits)
- If your branch of service offers an associate’s degree path, go for it! For instance, the Community College of the Air Force offers accredited associate’s degrees related to the servicemembers’ career field
- Volunteer to participate in unit organizations and activities
- When time allows, volunteer for “off-base” activities, as well. Military bases are an important part of the communities they are embedded in
- Master every skill you’re taught and learn how to appropriately mentor subordinates (i.e., members of lower rank). An important part of military culture is always helping others learn the job and rise in the ranks
- Become the “go-to” expert on your career field and all ancillary (aka additional) duties
- Stay in shape and strive to earn the highest score you can on your annual fitness tests
- Stay in compliance with standards at all times, including wearing assigned protective gear as required
- Set the example for others to follow and hold subordinates accountable
- Demonstrate your desire to take on increased responsibilities
- Be a team player, an attentive follower, and a strong leader. Earn a rep as someone who is competent and knows what they’re doing!
- As applicable, study hard for promotion testing! Each military branch has its own promotion system, with evaluation areas weighed differently. Some may place more emphasis on exam scores, while put more emphasis on fitness, performance evaluation ratings, awards, or other criteria
- Air Force
- Air Force Reserve
- Air National Guard
- Air National Guard
- Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
- Army
- Army National Guard
- Army Reserve
- Coast Guard
- Coast Guard Reserve
- Marine Corps
- Marine Corps Reserve
- Military Times
- Navy
- Navy Reserve
- Space Force
- Entering The Military: Real Stories About Women Who Join The Military, by Lanie Ringdahl
- Join the Military, Choose Yourself: How to Avoid the College Debt Trap, Save $50,000 in Four Years, and Get Out With a World of Possibilities At Your Command, by Eva Arnold
- Joining The U.S. Military: Everything You Need To Know Your Recruiter Won't Tell You, by Kevin W Porter
There are countless Enlisted Military jobs to select from, and each offers their own rewards and challenges. But if enlisting doesn’t sound like the way you want to go, a common alternative is to apply to a commissioned officer program, such as ROTC.
Each branch of service operates ROTC programs on college campuses around the nation. ROTC students are both normal college students majoring in whatever they choose, but they are also “cadets” or “midshipmen” taking military branch-specific courses and participating in a range of extracurricular functions. Many but not all ROTC cadets are on military scholarships.
While the Army runs only Army ROTC, the Navy manages both Navy and Marine Corps programs; the Air Force manages Air Force and Space Force programs. Note, Junior ROTC, as is sometimes offered in high school, is not required to enter a college-level ROTC program.
Interested parties can also apply to one of the highly competitive Service Academies. The Academies offer a wide range of major and minor options, but unlike ROTC programs, cadets and midshipmen are far more immersed in a full-time military environment.
- United States Military Academy - West Point
- United States Naval Academy
- United States Coast Guard Academy
- United States Merchant Marine Academy
- United States Air Force Academy
Those who already have a college degree may be eligible to apply for Officer Candidate School (or Officer Training School, as the Air Force calls it).
Many people want to join the military but are not qualified for various reasons, such as disqualifying pre-existing medical conditions. If you’re unable to join the military, law enforcement and federal employment are other great options to consider. There is a wide range of federal agencies that love to hire motivated candidates! These include the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the CIA.

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