Submitted by pam.espinosa14… on
Edited by Pamela Grace
Target Genders
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Register now to join 'Creative Conversations,' a series of six virtual discussions specifically designed for young people, ages 16 to 24, residing in LA County. This is your opportunity to connect with directors, editors, cinematographers, animators, talent agents, and more. You'll learn about various pathways into the arts and entertainment industries.


Monday: 3/11: The Art of Visual Storytelling at 4 pm PST
Monday: 3/18: Crafting a Narrative Short at 4 pm PST
Monday 3/25: A Deep Dive into Unscripted at 4 pm PST
Monday 4/1: Nonfiction Storytelling: Documentary Film and Journalism at 4 pm PST
Monday 4/8: Commercial and Branded Content at 4 pm PST
Monday 4/15: The Power of Sound Design at 4 pm PST

By participating in this series, you will gain priority access when applying for our tuition-free certificate program: the 160-hour Digital Storytelling Pre-Apprenticeship. Graduates will have opportunities for paid internships and other professional engagements.


To register, click here.

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Creative Conversations Flyer
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