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The EIF Careers Program (EIFCP) is a program and service to create a more diverse talent pipeline into film and television careers. EIFCP is led by a collaboration of studios, networks, and career pathway providers. It focuses on securing entry-level, below-the-line and corporate employment opportunities for underrepresented populations, including women, people of color, and low-income communities. Candidates for employment are sourced from well-established nonprofit career pathway programs that train and help individuals from historically excluded communities enter the entertainment workforce. These programs include Hollywood CPR, ManifestWorks, Group Effort Initiative, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Academy Gold Rising, and the Television Academy Foundation, among others. EIF has also partnered with Crewvie, a web-based international database, which has expanded to include hundreds of candidates from nonprofit pathway programs who are identifiable and searchable on the site. A Program Manager at EIF provides information for viable candidates to the hiring teams staffing for film and television productions or corporate offices.

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EIF Careers Program
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