About Oakland Private Industry Council
Founded in 1980 by Gay Plair Cobb, the Oakland Private Industry Council, Inc. has a history of innovation in workforce development. Our collaboration with the private industry councils of Alameda and Contra Costa counties resulted in the creation of an East Bay regional career center system called EASTBAY Works. It is a consortium of One Stop centers serving clients throughout the two counties. EASTBAY Works holds itself to high levels of accountability in maintaining this consortium with proven programming that is yielding outstanding results for workers and businesses.
Since 1984, we have administered federal and state funded workforce development programs on behalf of the City of Oakland, first under the Job Training Partnership Act, and now under the Workforce Investment Act. The Oakland PIC has also been a pioneer in establishing innovative programs such as the Women-In-Skilled-Trades pre-apprenticeship training program in 1988, and the Cypress/Mandela pre-apprenticeship training program in 1993.
As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, OPIC is rooted in the community. We celebrate the beautiful diversity of the City of Oakland and have been intentional about making sure that our Staff and volunteer Board of Directors reflect our city. The Board is comprised of representatives from the private sector, community-based organizations, organized labor, and local government agencies.