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Venice Arts’ programs are designed to develop the next generation of Los Angeles' storytellers and visual media artists. From beginning workshops, to Advanced Studies’ programs offering college-level classes, our standards-aligned curriculum teaches photography, filmmaking, animation, and sequential arts to young people ages 10-18. We offer a dynamic, experiential learning environment, with no more than 12 kids in a class and an artist-to-youth ratio of 1:3. our high-impact programs foster creativity, arts knowledge and skills, and visual, digital, and media literacy.

Program alumni, as well as other young people ages 18-24, may also participate in our College Success program and Arts2Work, a creative sector job development program that includes paid internship opportunities.

All programs are free to low-income families and are offered after-school and on weekends, during the academic year, and through an intensive Summer Media Arts Camp. Youth ages 10–18 enroll in photography, filmmaking, animation, comics, and multimedia. A special "Bridge" program is also available for Venice Arts' alumni, ages 18-22.

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Summer Media Arts Camp