Submitted by pam.espinosa14… on
Edited by Pamela Grace
Target Genders
Associated Industries
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PAID Venice Art's Paid Video Production + Editing program is open! Our 2023 Spring training starts February 14th.


To participate youth must be:

- 18-24 years old

- Live in LA County

- Qualify as low income

- Have Proof of Vaccination


With Priority given to those who are:

- Foster or Former Foster Youth

- Justice Involved




All levels of experience are welcome! However, applicants should know this is an intensive program, and should consider whether they'll be able to attend the full 8 weeks before applying. The Spring 2023 session will be running from February 14th to March 24th, Tuesdays-Fridays 10am-3pm. For more information here is the link to our website where you can find the application, the QR code on the flier will also take you there.


Priority will be given to those who submit an application by December 23rd, if you have any questions or would like to schedule a visit to promote the program, do not hesitate to reach out! You can email me here or call (310) 392-0846.


Venice Art's Paid Video Production + Editing

Associated Subdomains